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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Why I am having negative thoughts about guys...

Time started: 00:10
Location: My bedroom (Darwin)
Listening to: "I Chose Horses" - Mogwai
Mood: Disgusted

Sorry to start this on such a negative note right after Christmas but I am in such a disgusted mood right now that I feel in order to keep my sanity I need to vent somehow...

So there's this guy I know from high school who was talking to me over msn. My display picture was just an innocent Christmas photo of my dad and I from our family dinner party. The photo focuses on our faces (naturally) and borders just below our shoulders. This guy has the nerve to say "Min, your photo needs to be a few inches lower ;)". At first I took that as a flirtatious joke so I wasn't phased...but his comments through time went a bit further. After some time of him consistently making creepy comments about me I let him know that I was feeling uncomfortable and insulted by the things he was saying about me. You would think after I said something he'd stop...but no...
He continued with more creepy suggestions and comments on the type of girl that I really am on the inside or at least should be...some tramp or skank that was nothing more than pleasurable flesh that he wouldn't mind having in his pants...

I soon blocked him, of course. I don't plan on talking to him again either. Hopefully when I return to Adelaide I won't see him around either...yeah...he's situated in Adelaide at the moment...lucky me...I've bumped into him countless times in Adelaide too. Great... -.-;;

This is not the first time a guy that I've been friends/acquainted with have said stuff like this to me.
Last year someone who I considered as one of my best friends said he never wanted to be my friend, but just wanted to get into my pants...

I have done NOTHING to provoke these guys into thinking that I would do anything like that...NOTHING!

Is this supposed to boost my self esteem?! Am I not meant to be hurt by this?!

I am so offended...I feel dirty. I've done nothing. Absolutely nothing. I am as innocent as anyone could get...and I still feel dirty.

Some guys can be such pricks...

Again I apologise for my negative vibes here...
I had a nice Christmas with my family though and I hope you all had a nice Christmas too! Have a great New Year, everyone!

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