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Sunday, March 27, 2011


Time started: 00:09
Place: My room (Wattle Park)
Weather: Starting to get cold
Mood: Self-conscious

Have you ever realised how easy it is to pick on others' faults? The stuff we dislike about them? It is so easy to say horrible things about others but I wonder how many of us stop to think about the horrible things we say or do ourselves? Aren't we the same? It is so easy to see bad things in other people and we are blinded by the good things we believe to be in ourselves...
My faults are aplenty.
I'm struggling to see anything good about me right now, however. I've been reminded why I'm always so self-conscious.
I never want to practise in Elder Hall ever again. At least that's how I feel...

Time finished: 00:11

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Life is Full of Plain Bad Timing

Time started: 22:54
Place: My room (Wattle Park)
Listening to: Crickets chirping
Weather: A little nippy
Mood: Heartbroken

I spoke to Levon today who had to bear me with bad news.
Something important came up for him in November, the same month he was going to come visit for my final recital, but now he can't go.
Life sucks...but at least our lives are a million times better than those affected by the massive earthquake in Japan. My whole world still exists, at least...
It would've been nice to see him more than once this year but I guess our tradition of seeing each other only once a year lives on...

Time finished: 22:57

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Speculation on Alternate Realities

Time started: 00:34
Place: My room (Wattle Park, Adelaide)
Listening to: Cricket bugs.
Weather: Hot
Mood: Speculative

So I've been watching movies like De ja vu, Star Treck, The Oxford Murders, and reading random stuff about space and time and how there are random 6 hours that appear in space.

This makes me is theoretically possible to time travel/exist in more than one place/time thus it is possible to have a co-existing reality. This brings up my theory of the universe having no/many absolute truths which I guess is similar to the Buddhist belief of no God/many Gods. I guess either way could be true because I believe that whatever people believe in, whether they're Atheist or Christian, to be true. Why do people spend so much time arguing to each other about who's religion is right and wrong? Everyone is so convinced they are right that it seems illogical for them to find that they're wrong. Can't we just for the sake of argument and exploring the truth just sit back and think for a second that maybe everyone is both right and wrong? It doesn't seem logical that people can exist in more than one place, or time travel, or that time is not linear, yet it is theoretically (with very specific calculations) possible!

Why do we experience De ja vu? Is it because in a reality we've already gone through the same path we are crossing now?

Why are there random 6 hours that appear out of nowhere in space? I reckon those 6 hours are for the choices we could have made and the alternate fate exists in an alternate reality, ie. the extra 6 hours in our galaxy.

Why are there theories about wormholes and time travelling and how it's theoretically possible to exist in more than one place? The evidence in quantum physics is sound. This proves that time is not linear. It's not even three dimensional. It's just endless and is in the light. It's just everything. There really is an eternity and God, this Diety, a force, an unexplainable energy, whatever people want to call it exists in eternity. This also allows me to speculate that there are unlimited ways each and every one of us have lived our lives. I don't know if our co-existences ever cross paths, but I guess in a sense it does which is why people get de ja vu. It could be moments that cannot be changed or simply just haven't changed. Whether or not we can individually change our destinies, I wouldn't know, but I think there are many destinies for one person. They just don't occur simultaneously in one reality.

I would love to call myself a Christian because I do believe in God, and I do believe in Jesus dying for our sins, the Bible and stuff like that but I am still too open minded to except the fact that it is the only way for people to live their lives spiritually. It's hypocritical, I know...but I just can't fault other people's beliefs and their way of finding spiritualism either so to this very day I am still a Buddhist. I don't believe God just damns people to hell. I'm not even sure if I see him as a humanoid diety. Is there really a heaven and hell? I think there is an afterlife but I don't know about Judgement day or singing Angels with a pearl gate, and flaming pool of fire with a horned Satan. I think we all make a path for our souls. I don't's hard to explain. I just think people should stop hating each other and telling each other what to believe and find whether they're right or wrong. We should all just let things be and just be the best possible person we can be. Why is it "against God's will" to be a Buddhist trying to find out what the truth is and showing compassion for others and helping each other all we can? Why would that be Satan deceiving people? Not necessarily the Buddhist way, but Islam, Hinduism etc. All religions have something in common which is compassion. Everyone is different and have different lifestyles, why can't we just all accept this and just let people live the way it is suited for them instead of shoving hate down everyone's throats? If we stop complicating things in our minds and our soul, and just empty everything in our head, it would probably be a lot easier to discover our truths. Like one of the Buddhist sayings "The cup needs to be empty in order to be filled."

Time finished: 01:05
Mood: Tired